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St Francis was born in 1181 to a wealthy family of cloth merchants. From early on in his life, he questioned his privileged role in society. Due to his wealth and the overwhelming need for soldiers in battle, Francis was expected to become a knight. In his youth, he led a life of luxury and partying. However, this prestigious life changed when he was exposed to the charity and values of Jesus’ mission.


In a battle between the towns of Assisi and Perugia, Francis began to see God and question his place in society as a noble, rich man. God’s perspective turned him away from a life of partying and drinking, and instead a life of charity and compassion. He was eventually let out of prison in 1203 for a ransom that his father paid. But the man who walked into that prison walked out as a different man who had considered the meaning of his life and changed.


One of the key moments in Francis’ change of lifestyle was when he encountered a leper in the countryside after he returned from war. He embraced the man with a mentality he hadn’t had when he was younger. Later on in his life, he described this encounter as a feeling of sweetness. Some religious scholars even argue that the leper was Jesus incognito.

After this, Francis turned towards God more and abandoned his job for a life of simplicity. He moved from church to church in Assisi and spent most of his time looking after lepers. This was when he heard the voice of Christ asking him to rebuild his church. Francis obeyed and gathered a following of 12 men who also devoted themselves to a life of poverty in order to serve Jesus. Francis was soon faced with a problem: he needed to seel all of his and his father’s cloth to afford it. His father was extremely angry when he found out that Francis had sold some of his cloth and sent him to the bishop. When Francis saw him, he laid his clothes on the ground to show his devotion to Jesus. He also gave all of the money to his father, claiming that his only father now was God.


With the spirit of God alongside him, he eventually rebuilt the San Damiano Church in 1207 and also the Portiuncula church, also known as “The Little Portian.”


After this, Francis was beginning to be known for his connection and balance to nature, in particular when he reasoned with wolves who were terrorising a local town and restored the village to save the people. 


St Francis then went and rebuilt several other churches in honour of God and Jesus, and made an effort to restore the Catholic Church as a whole. (In the 12 and 13th centuries, the Church had used money to gain power and didn’t rely on the actual spirituality anymore.) People were divided over who Francis was: was he a messenger from heaven or a madman? However, most people were taken aback by his wisdom and stewardship over time, and he became recognised. It was around this time when he met Clare, another privileged girl who sought more in her life than just a lavish lifestyle. He helped Clare escape from home and gave her shelter and resources to survive, later establishing the Poor Clare Sisters in 1211. Francis died in 1226, and was canonized two years later. 


6 main events in St Francis' Life

This is where Francis started to realise his purpose in life through a series of visions from God testing Francis about his real mission in life. 

His Imprisonment and the beginning of his visions 

Some religious scholars say the leper that Francis met was Jesus reincarnated. Francis embraced him and this only added to Francis' growing faith in God. 

When Francis encountered a leper

St Francis started his mission by repairing the physical image of the church. With a vision from God to help him, this started Francis' entire charism and mission. 

When Francis rebuilt the San Damiano Church

When St Francis' father sent him to the bishop for taking his money, Francis made an important statement through taking off his clothes, honouring God's simplicity. 

The meeting with the bishop

When wolves were disturbing a town near Assisi, Francis calmed them and returned the town to normal, one of the first signs of his connection with nature. 

The meeting with the wolves

Francis meeting Clare is definitely important, as this meeting changed history. Francis and Clare achieved so much together and started many orders in honour of their mission. 

When Francis met Clare

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